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Be a Hero - Invest in Heroes

Be a Hero - Invest in Heroes

‍Be a Hero.

Invest in the Heroes of PDS!

Behind every lesson learned and every confidence built is a teacher who cares deeply. By contributing to the Annual Fund, you ensure our heroes have the tools and support to continue transforming lives.

‍The teachers, faculty, and staff at PDS are like superheroes, using their unique powers to inspire and uplift our boys. Your contribution fuels their mission, helping them perform extraordinary feats in and out of the classroom.

Every day, our teachers, faculty, and staff go above and beyond to shape the lives of our boys. Your support allows them to continue inspiring, mentoring, and guiding the next generation of young men.

Be a hero. Support our heroes by making a gift to PDS Annual Fund.

Presbyterian Day School



4025 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111

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