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Annual Fund - Every Superhero Needs a Sidekick

Annual Fund - Every Superhero Needs a Sidekick

Every Superhero Needs a Sidekick.

At PDS, Pre-Kindergarten boys watch in awe as their 6th-grade buddies lead with kindness, respect, and courage. Your gift to the Annual Fund supports programs that inspire boys of all ages to be heroes, creating a legacy of mentorship and character.

They may not have super strength or the ability to fly, but every PDS boy has the opportunity to be a hero. Your gift nurtures these connections, encouraging each boy to become a role model for others.

Every day, our teachers, faculty, and staff go above and beyond to shape the lives of our boys. Your support allows them to continue inspiring, mentoring, and guiding the next generation of young men.

Be a hero. Support our heroes by making a gift to PDS Annual Fund.

Presbyterian Day School



4025 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111

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