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PDS Spirit - Fall 2016

PDS Spirit - Fall 2016


  • The Sooner the Better: Young Knights are Ripe for Learning
  • “Maybe writing isn’t so bad” by Chip Williams ’05
  • Red Rover, Red Rover, Send All the Boys Over!
  • Report of Annual Giving: 2015–2016
  • Teacher Feature: Holly Lindsey

A few weeks back I spent some time with our Young Knights. On this occasion I was sharing my violin with the boys. I demonstrated the high and low notes that the instrument produces. We laughed at the silly sounds the violin can make, and I asked for their favorites. “The Wheels on the Bus” was by far the most popular request.

These Young Knights are poised to develop in wisdom and stature and favor with both God and man this year. It is amazing to see our mission statement come alive throughout the school. Our youngest boys are learning each of our seven virtues in age appropriate ways. From learning to take turns to showing empathy, the boys are being led by teachers who glorify God each day in the work they do with our youngest learners.

Fast forward to sixth grade, our boys are learning to be leaders to these youngest students. We teach the boys that they are a constant example to the younger boys. It is a big responsibility, but it is one that the boys take to heart and strive to do their best. The ten year path from Young Knight to the sixth grade is filled with many milestones, and our true mission can be found at each step along the way.

Steve Hancock
Head of School