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Five Easy Ways to Make Your Kids Feel Loved (After a Long Day at Work)

Posted on | Mike Bullard

After a long day of going, going, going, sometimes it is all you can do to get a semi-nutritious meal on the table. Let alone, spend large amounts of time with each of your children, walk the dog, water the plants, and tend to the mail. If you are short on time, follow these easy steps to maximize the quality of time spent as a family.

Put the phone down

Make it a priority to unplug when you get home from work. This will allow you time to decompress and really be in the moment with your family. All of those emails will still be there after bedtime.

Make mealtime a priority

Whether your family enjoys take-out, grilling out, going out to eat, or old-fashioned, home-cooked meals, try to plan a few nights a week when everyone can eat together. Use this time to talk about highs and lows. Encourage each family member to share the high points and low points in the day. Check out TableTopics Family Gathering edition to get some deep, meaningful conversations started, and don’t accept one-word answers.

Let your children know from afar that you love them

Write a knock-knock joke on your son’s napkin or put a sticky note on his assignment book letting him know that you are thinking of him. Comment on his blog or social media posts with encouragements and questions.

Create new family traditions

Prioritize one night a month that your child gets to choose a fun family activity. Whether it is a bowling outing or a family game night, it will be something that you can all look forward to and enjoy.

Prioritize bedtime

Bedtime is a sweet time to shower your children with affirmations, pray, read, and tell stories. Use this time to tell your children about when you were their age. You can take turns by having bedtime in different bedrooms if you have multiple children.



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