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By Grade

Young Knights

AfterCare: Sibling Stay

Since class dismissal times are staggered, Early Childhood students (YK-SK) who have an older sibling at PDS will be able to enroll in the program and attend AfterCare until the older sibling is dismissed. The younger sibling will be picked up by an AfterCare assistant at his specific dismissal time and join aftercare until his older sibling dismissal time.

More information about AfterCare is contained in the Student Handbook

Event Date Tuesday, August 13
Event End Date Tuesday, May 13
Cut off date Sunday, September 22
Price Options for 3 and 5 Days
Coordinator Neel Dixon

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price
5 Days Per Week - Fall Semester $412.50
3 Days Per Week - Fall Semester $247.50
Digging for Dinosaurs - Part 2

Young Knights Pre-Kindergarten

Come explore in our classroom filled with dinosaurs. We will make a craft, have a snack, play with plastic dinosaurs big and small, learn about different types of dinosaurs, and work dinosaur puzzles. This is part two of a two part adventure. 

Event Date Tuesday, October 1 2024, 2:15 pm
Event End Date Tuesday, October 1 2024, 3:30 pm
Cut off date Monday, September 30 2024, 12:00 pm
Price $35.00
Minimum 10
Coordinator Meg Comes & Parkicha French

To register for this event:

Parents' Night Out - Movie Night (YK-PK)

Boys & Girls Young Knights Pre-Kindergarten

Bring a friend and join us for a night of movies and fun! We will have recreational time with friends before the movie fun begins! Boys and Girls in YK and PK.

We will have Little Caesar’s pizza and popcorn for the movie. We are looking forward to a fun night with your child!

Another version of this event is available for other grade levels:
Event Date Friday, November 15 2024, 5:30 pm
Event End Date Friday, November 15 2024, 8:30 pm
Price $45.00
Minimum 10
Coordinator Meg Comes & Parkicha French

To register for this event: