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AfterCare Registration for 2024-2025 - Fall Semester

AfterCare Registration for 2024-2025 - Fall Semester

Written on . Posted in News.
by Neel Dixon

PDS offers an after-school care program from your son’s class dismissal time until 5:30pm for grades YK–6, the day-to-day runnings of which are handled by a trained staff consisting mostly of young adults and college students, who answer to the Director of Auxiliary Programs.

The children will be given a snack and engage in various organized and free-play activities both indoors and outdoors.

Boys in the Elementary division will have a period of supervised study and homework help during their day if it is needed.

All sign-ups are done online.

Register for AfterCare 

Sibing Stay

Since class dismissal times are staggered, Early Childhood students (YK-SK) who have an older sibling at PDS will be able to enroll in the program and attend AfterCare until the older sibling is dismissed. The younger sibling will be picked up by an AfterCare assistant at his specific dismissal time and join aftercare until his older sibling dismissal time. The parent is required to walk inside the main entrance and sign the younger sibling out of Sibling Stay BEFORE picking up the older sibling in carpool. The younger sibling will enjoy time on the playground or being inside with toys and activities during his time in Sibling Stay.

The cost for Early Childhood Sibling Stay is $400 per semester for 5 days a week and $240 per semester for 3 days a week.

Register for Sibling Stay


Drop-in days are available to students who are not registered for aftercare. These days can be used as frequently as needed. Students will be sent to aftercare at school dismissal and must be picked up by 5:30pm. Please register your son in advance for a drop-in day.

The drop-in fee is $35 per day. Drop-in fees are billed monthly.

Register for AfterCare Drop-In Day


AfterCare logistical and financial policies:

  • Hours of operation are from 2:40– 5:30pm. AfterCare main desk is open from 3:30–5:30pm.
  • The AfterCare desk is located at the main school entrance (the Elementary entrance by the gym). Please sign out your child at that location. To reach our AfterCare receptionist, call 901-842-4600.
  • AfterCare for JK–6th grade begins Tuesday, August 13. YK and PK AfterCare begins Wednesday, August 14. Last day of AfterCare is Wednesday, May 21.
  • AfterCare will operate every day PDS is in session including most half days.
  • AfterCare will not operate on inclement weather days or student holidays.
  • All boys in AfterCare are held to the same standards of conduct they are held to during regular school hours.
  • If you wish to register your son for AfterCare, please fill out our online registration form. Rates for the 2024–2025 school year are as follows:
    Days Per Week Cost
    5 days $1,200 per semester
    4 days $1,105 per semester
    3 days $975 per semester
    2 days $770 per semester
    1 day $460 per semester
  • Your son will be automatically enrolled and billed for the 2nd semester on January 1, 2025. Please let us know by December 1, 2024 if he will not be returning to aftercare for the 2nd semester.
  • Pick-Up Procedures
    • Please call (901) 877-4165 to pick up your son from AfterCare. In an effort to expedite the pick-up process, please refrain from entering the lobby.  
    • Boys (YK-SK) left at school 10 minutes past their dismissal time and boys (1st–6th) left at school 30 minutes past their dismissal time will be taken to AfterCare and charged the drop-in fee of $35.
    • Late pickup charges from AfterCare are as follows:
      • 5:31pm - 5:35pm: $25 late fee
      • 5:36pm - and later: $5 per minute
    • Drop-ins and late pickups will be billed monthly.


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