First Grade
First graders build their reading skills through multisensory activities like this one — creating compound words using Duplo bricks.
Language Arts
- Learn phonics through an Orton-Gillingham based approach
- Use decoding skills to read with accuracy, fluency, and expression
- Recognize sight words in isolation and in context
- Apply comprehension strategies to gain understanding of text
- Begin to self-monitor reading and make connections
- Demonstrate understanding of spelling rules and patterns
- Identify as an author and participate in Writer’s Workshop
- Practice narrative, opinion, and informational writing
- Begin to understand sentence structure and parts of speech
Social Studies
- Answer the question “What is a city?” through inquiry-based investigation
- Identify important places and people in a city
- Compare/contrast rural vs. urban living
- Understand the importance of laws
- Research Memphis history and culture
- Identify needs in Memphis and discuss ways to serve others
- Understand that children can make a difference in Memphis
- Count forward by 2s, 5s, and 10s and backward by 1s
- Count objects accurately and make reasonable estimates
- Identify even and odd numbers
- Compare and order whole numbers up to 100
- Identify and understand place value to 100s
- Learn addition and subtraction facts to 18
- Add and subtract 2-digit numbers with or without regrouping
- Identify fractional parts of a whole
- Interpret and solve simple word problems
- Measure using nonstandard and standard tools
- Recognize, compare, and count coins of various values
- Tell and show time to the nearest hour and half-hour
- Identify geometric shapes and properties of those shapes
- Collect, organize, and interpret data using graphs
- Apply math skills to real-life situations
- Compare and contrast Earth’s materials and how they affect plants
- Identify the states of matter and the properties of each state
- Begin to understand the water cycle and how each step works together
- Identify simple machines and demonstrate how they are used
Curriculum Overview by Grade
Early Childhood
Curriculum Overview: Special Areas
We intentionally educate and nurture the heart, soul, mind, and body of each boy.
Guiding Principles
We know, nurture, and love each boy as a unique child of God.
Guiding Principles
We teach the Bible and model the Christian faith to our boys.
Guiding Principles
We aren't just teachers; we are life-long learners and students.
Guiding Principles
We push students to engage as thinkers.
Guiding Principles
In an increasingly connected world, our curriculum has a global perspective.
Guiding Principles
Flexible teaching strategies seek to maximize learning for each boy.
Guiding Principles
Our assessments aren't just a way to measure learning — we want our boys to demonstrate understanding.
Guiding Principles
We seek to enroll boys from diverse backgrounds.
Guiding Principles
We seek balance and excellence in all we do.
Guiding Principles
We aren't just boy-friendly; we're boy-specific.
Guiding Principles
Our program sets a foundation of learning that will help boys thrive beyond PDS.
Guiding Principles
We take time to make sure our faculty and staff are growing spiritually.
Guiding Principles
We hold high standards for ourselves, pushing ourselves to reflect, renew, and grow.